Nocturnal enuresis is defined as the repeated occurrence of involuntary urination during sleep in children who are old enough to have achieved bladder control during the day. It is often categorized as either primary or secondary:

  • Primary Nocturnal Enuresis: Bedwetting that has occurred consistently since infancy and has never been dry for more than six months.
  • Secondary Nocturnal Enuresis: Bedwetting that starts after a period of dryness for at least six months, potentially due to underlying issues such as stress, medical conditions, or infections.

Symptoms of Nocturnal Enuresis

The primary symptom of nocturnal enuresis is the involuntary passage of urine during sleep. Additional signs may include:

Frequent Bedwetting

Urinating in bed multiple times per week.

Wet Bed

Noticeable wetness or soiling of bed linens and pajamas.

Disturbed Sleep

Difficulty waking up when the bladder is full or while bedwetting occurs.

Daytime Bladder Control

Having normal control of urination during the day, but not at night.

When to See Dr. Sanjay Jain

Parents should consult Dr. Sanjay Jain at Nitya Child Care and Vaccination Clinic in Indore if:

  • Persistent Bedwetting: The child continues to wet the bed beyond the age at which they should have achieved nighttime dryness.
  • Secondary Enuresis: Bedwetting starts after a period of dryness, indicating possible underlying issues.
  • Associated Symptoms: The child experiences additional symptoms such as pain during urination, frequent urinary tract infections, or significant behavioral changes.
  • Treatment Concerns: There are concerns about the effectiveness of current management strategies or the need for specialized treatment.

Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis

Treatment for nocturnal enuresis depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Common approaches include:
1. Behavioral Therapies
  • Bedwetting Alarms: Devices that sense moisture and sound an alarm to wake the child when bedwetting occurs.
  • Bladder Training: Exercises to increase bladder capacity and improve control, such as holding urine longer during the day.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward systems to encourage dry nights and build the child’s confidence.
2. Medical Management
  • Medications: Prescription medications like desmopressin (a synthetic ADH) or imipramine (a tricyclic antidepressant) can be used if behavioral therapies are not effective.
  • Treatment of Underlying Conditions: Addressing any medical issues contributing to bedwetting, such as infections or constipation.
3. Lifestyle Adjustments
  • Fluid Management: Reducing fluid intake before bedtime and ensuring proper hydration during the day.
  • Nighttime Routines: Establishing a regular bedtime routine to help the child relax and prepare for sleep.
4. Parental Support and Education
  • Understanding and Patience: Providing emotional support and understanding to the child and family, as bedwetting can be stressful.
  • Education: Educating parents about the condition and effective management strategies.


Primary nocturnal enuresis refers to bedwetting that has occurred consistently since infancy, while secondary nocturnal enuresis starts after a period of dryness, potentially due to underlying issues such as stress or medical conditions.
Help your child by implementing behavioral strategies like using a bedwetting alarm, managing fluid intake, and establishing a consistent bedtime routine. Provide emotional support and patience as bedwetting can be distressing.
Consult Dr. Sanjay Jain if your child’s bedwetting persists beyond the typical age for achieving nighttime dryness, if bedwetting starts after a period of dryness, or if there are additional symptoms that concern you.
Yes, effective treatments include behavioral therapies (e.g., bedwetting alarms), medical management (e.g., medications), lifestyle adjustments (e.g., fluid management), and parental support. Treatment plans are tailored to the child’s specific needs and underlying causes.


Nocturnal enuresis is a common condition that can significantly impact a child’s and family’s quality of life. By understanding the symptoms, treatment options, and preventive measures, parents can take proactive steps to manage and address bedwetting. Dr. Sanjay Jain at Nitya Child Care and Vaccination Clinic in Indore provides expert care and guidance for managing nocturnal enuresis, helping to ensure better outcomes for affected children.